Green Coast Rubbish is proud to be a sponsor for the unique musical show The Music of Junk! coming to Vancouver from November 18 – 22, 2015. Wait. Did we say the music of junk? As in recycled junk? As in making music with recycled junk? You betcha!

The Music of Junk

The Green Coast Connection to The Music of Junk!

With Green Coast Rubbish being a sponsor of the The Music of Junk!, it was a no-brainer to get involved. One day, show composer Paul Snider met up with the Green Coast Rubbish crew at one of our job sites – an apartment clean out –  and was able to salvage several items of recycled junk that he will be using in the show. Here’s what Paul had to say about his great finds:

  • “We found an old baby’s cradle…there is a song called ‘Pieces of Somebody’s Life’ that takes the listener through a lady’s life by looking at her junk over the years – it begins with ‘Here is the cradle that rocked her at night … Here is the doll that she held on so tight…” – well, that cradle is PERFECT for my lead singer of this song to use as a prop. To that end, the singer begins the song looking through a photo album, and we found one as well with old photos in it. So she will be paging through the album as the song begins.”
  • “We got some wine glasses, they were old and dusty, but we cleaned them up and … found that a few of them sound better than the ones we are using, as the rim is thinner and so gives a better ‘bell’ ringing sound. So we will replace some of our glasses with these for the Wine Glass Harp.”
  • “Then there are odds and ends to use on stage – a plant holder is pretty much exactly the height of my violin player’s arm…[the] violin I built her is heavy and so she needs to rest her arm on something as she plays. So this is perfect.”
  • “There is a bench … which we will use on stage for the singers to sit on when they’re not performing … [it] looks great on stage with the rest of the instruments as it is an old wooden bench.”
  • “Then some pictures in frames and some old small planters and other junk-type items to round out the props on the stage.”

You’ll just have to attend the show to see if you can spot the items for yourself!

The Show

The Music of Junk! is a fun, energetic, musical adventure of original music performed on original instruments built from recycled junk. The 12-member orchestra and singers perform original compositions by Canadian composer Paul Snider during this 90-minute, unique show. Stories of the junkyard unfold through a wheel barrow bass, a garbage can cello, hub caps, PVC tubing, an automobile, different types of percussive instruments and much more junk, all adding to the originality of this orchestra of the imagination.

Event Details

Dates: November 18 – 22, 2015, 7:30 pm

November 18: Preview
November 19: Opening Night

Ticket prices:
$25 Adults (18 & Over)
$20 Students (Ages 13-17)
$15 Children (12 & Under)
$5 Off All Tickets: November 18 Only

Address: Waterfront Theatre
1412 Cartwright Street, Vancouver, BC

Box Office: