Hot weather has arrived, Vancouver! Now’s the time to hit the beach, pool and spray parks with your family and friends along with your collection of summer paraphernalia. But wait, some of last year’s stuff is old, out of date and has to be replaced. While you’re doing your organizing and shopping, keep these Beachin’ Recycling Ideas for Summer in mind to recycle the old beach and pool stuff:
Flip flops, towels, bathing suits, sun hats – If in good condition, your old flip flops, towels and bathing suits can be donated to your local thrift store or Value Village. If not, Encorp has a textile recycling program where you can drop off everything from clothing and shoes to linens.
Sunscreen – old empty bottles of sunscreen can be emptied and recycled in your home recycling bin. This is an easy one, no muss no fuss!
Kayaks, paddle boards – if last year’s kayak or paddle board doesn’t fit your kid anymore or if you just bought a new one and it’s time to get rid of the old, reselling these popular items is money in your pocket. Facebook Marketplace or Vancouver Craigslist are great options. Check and see what they are going for and price strategically for a quick sale.
Pool toys/water balloons– pool toys are often made of plastics that are either hard to recycle or destined for the landfill for disposal. If the items you are letting go of are in good shape, definitely donate, sell or give them away. Otherwise, you can get creative. A pool noodle can be repurposed for many unusual uses such as a shoe stand or craft project. The popular Bunch O Balloons has a Terra Recycling Program. There are many options besides sending your old pool stuff to the landfill.

Image Credit: Ashley Ladroma on Pixabay
Books – stock up on summer reads for cheap at your local thrift or by checking out a little library on your block and donate your old ones while you’re there. The circular economy is meant for book sharing. Buying new? That’s a lucky break for other bargain hunters who are thrifting when you’re done.

Image credit: CandiceP on Pixabay
Beer and wine cans & bottles – so probably we won’t be drinking on the beach but beer and wine bottles tend to accumulate over the summer and you don’t want a bunch of stinky, sticky, clunky remnants sitting on your porch or filling up the recycling. So hit your local bottle or Return-It depot and save up the spare change for your next vacay.
Be sure to stay cool, and enjoy the sunshine and your staycation in Vancouver… and while you’re planning the rest of your summer, don’t forget these beachin’ recycling ideas so you can chill with a clear conscience.